What is the key question the study will answer?
EASi-KIDNEYTM is a clinical trial which follows the success of EMPA-KIDNEY. EASi-KIDNEYTM is also being led by Oxford Population Health. The scientists in Oxford want to find out whether taking vicadrostat (BI 690517) in combination with empagliflozin every day prevents worsening of kidney disease or deaths from heart disease in people who have kidney disease.
The reason for testing the combination of these two drugs is to be able to test whether the addition of the new treatment vicadrostat (BI 690517) is more effective than empagliflozin alone. Because empagliflozin has been shown to safely slow the progression of kidney disease in EMPA-KIDNEY, all trial participants will be provided and treated with empagliflozin throughout the EASi-KIDNEYTM trial.